Saturday 21 April 2012

Love’s final Adieu ..

When the heart still beats
          At someone’s’ name
when the eyes still search for
          The same person we wish to reclaim

When the tears starts rolling down
          As you enter the house
When the slightest love ballads
          Causes a pain in the heart to arouse

When the heart still waits
          For the phone to ring
When being online
          You still wait for someone’s ping

When the lonely nights
          Get converted to sleepless nights
When simple plain comments of others
          Lead us to strong fights

When every song reminds you of
          The same person
When you laugh suddenly and
          Then get silenced without any reason

When the food stops
          Exciting and inviting to you.
When all your dreams
          Suddenly turns into hue

When the gathering of friends
          Starts feeling like a crowd
When you start feeling to go
Somewhere and shout it out all aloud.

When even walking alone
          Makes you feel of someone’s presence
When in every activity you
          Feel someone’s absence.

When it longer matters to you
Whether it’s a night
Or whether it is the sparkling
            Of daylight

When the heart cries
          At every small thought
When the mind constantly reminds
          You what are things you lost.

When the tears get
          Dried up in the eyes
When the voice from your
Mouth is very feeble as it arise

My friend,
When this all happens
These weird things
Become our actions
Then you will understand
The pain I am through
This happens when your
Love waves you a final ADIEU…




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