Wednesday 24 January 2018

Back to Blog

A lot had happened overtime. Things have changed.Lot of events occurred. Marriage is one of the most important of all .It is a different feel of sharing your life with someone quite a stranger (specially in Arranged Marriages as in India).
A new entrant in your life, who shares everything with you, your life, your decisions, your opinions, your mood swings.It has been a year , but still look like days...
Cheers to New life !!! 

Sunday 18 January 2015

Peaceful Sunday Morning

The eyes are Lazy,
            makes me look  Crazy.
The sun is shining Hard,
            and  scolding me to wake up like my Dad.
Saturday was fun , awake till Late,
            now I wish to sleep, with some hours in my Plate

Well sunday  has just begun , I mean but the sleep craving has increased by leaps and bounds. I could see my almost full wash basin, waiting for my maid...who has simply her own unique timings . And wishing if I had some magical spell (or a wand) and get a hot,strong coffee.:)
Well this simple wish could make anyone smile.Sounds similar...

Its all about a Sunday in a hectic life of  a bachelor.No one to hug around and say a warm good morning.No bed coffee.No leg pulling and mushy mushy talks.Just no one.

But this peaceful and serene feeling of being alone is the most cherished of all.

It's this peace in the morning that adds up the making of a great day ahead..

So,take a few moments from your morning and enjoy and feel  it and see how the entire day's events change their course.
Good Morning Sunday :) :)

Friday 16 January 2015

Life is too Short to ?

Well yeah.. here I am back.. after an awesome one day holiday celebration of Makar Sankranti. I was at home alone , when I got call from my friend to go for shopping and she will be landing at my place.
From a slow moving lazy morning it turned to a fast and furious morning with me fully charged  like a super girl :).After an hour of running around , the results were amazing.The house shining like mirror and I ready with the quick shower and having a full meal really patted my back for it ;)It's a great sense of accomplishment which everyone can relate to.

So , this is what happens when Shopping is spelled out.

It was never the same.Previously I shopped pretty less and that too I was a kid of the type  "Papa-please -choose-for me"also .And now , I love shopping.If you are a guy who is reading this blog will yawn on my last statement.But if you are a girl you will be spirited, happy and bubbling with energy listening to the golden letters "Shopping Spree".
It was my room-mate in college , who I saw that whenever in bad mood she would lift her bag , go to shop and lo she is back in full spring.For me , its different I love shopping and its not just a mood-lifter.
I believe in "Life's too short to wear Boring Clothes" .

So guys and girls lets hit the Shopping Spree and re-discover the amazing you ...

Friday 9 January 2015

Adding Life to Days

In my company , we have shut-down period in December end , the period spans from Christmas to New Year. So it gave a kind of "Winter Vacation" to me.
Feel like a school goer once again :)

This time I did not go home, else my parents stayed with me.
Though they were here for 6 months ,but these 10-15 days really added life to days.

It was fun roaming with them.
Spending careless afternoons chatting and playing games.Browsing old family pics and discussing about plans that did not succeed.Being a bit active in kitchen also helped me earn laurels :)

It's a pleasure to see how parents get happy with our small actions and however old we grow up ,we still be their over protected child.The pampering sometimes really makes us emotional.

Whether it be small morning walk or a visit to temple or the most casual of all - joining them in the day to day household shopping, it adds a different touch to our own mundane day activities.

It dawned on me that it is not the days but the quality of the day that really matters.

Love your parents and love thy self :)

Tuesday 16 September 2014

In the path of life , When you are Alone

In the path of life
   when you are Alone.
You feel the pain,
   intolerable to be Borne.

With feelings of being hurt
   and the intense Pain.
Coming down from sky
   and falling on you as Rain.
When one is faced
   with such an abrupt Situation.
And throughout the year (of life)
   It’s the same grey Season.

You feel your heart
   aching with pain so Deep.
The darkest corner
   where no healing light can Peep.

You feel drenched in the
   heavy downpour of sorrow and Despair.
And then you are sure
   that no one in this world can try for its Repair.

Then what can a person DO
   and where in the world can he GO.

Surrounded by long shadows
   of such old Curses.
Slowly and steadily he watches how the faint
   line of his ambition / future Vanishes.

It is not easy to come out
   of this vicious Chain.
The more you try, the more you
   go down, with all efforts in Vain.

Exasperated you start
   struggling to breathe, so Fast.
It seems the world is at its end
   Leaving no signs of second chances at Last.

It is at this time
   your conscience comes to your Rescue.
And you get a helping hand
   from nowhere you expected, out of Blue.

And then you realize
   and then you know
Falling or clinging or marching ahead
   are all through the same Gate.

Only the best suited key
   Of this gate is to be Found.
To unlock the secret
   Of this life Profound.

The life always plays
   the same melodious Sound.
Lastly, it depends on us when we understand this
   when we are ON the GROUND or IN the GROUND.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Why do we need friends

Why do we need friends
    Those are worse than enemies
Ready to put a dagger on your back
    And waiting to put your happiness in jack.

Using sugar coated words to impress people
   they are the world's best crafty creatures
Making the people believe they are humble
   conspiring,bitching and being selfish are their salient features

In a group,If she is female
    she will try enacting to be a godmother
on the contrary if he is male
    well.. they always bully their brother

Its the same gender friendship that hurts
    if befriended with such loser soul
But luckily, if of opposite sex
    they pretend like angel to you, which will be their ultimate goal

one thing but is totally sure
    they will make your life pathetic and sour
You will not realize whats wrong or right
    they are more dangerous than a venomous snake bite

A snake bite is physical pain
    that you can recover and come back alive in long run
But these filthy mortals play with your emotions
    for which there is no remedy that can be done

They leave a dark scar in your life
    which takes a very long time to fade
It makes you loose your faith in friends
    you start scrutinizing all with the same blade.

So I say, So I state,everyone's life is a saga
    Being alone and loving self importance is the best Mantra
If this is the sour outcome we always get
    Why do we need friends,or better 
Do we really need such friends??