Saturday 21 April 2012

I Hate to Love


  I hate to love
        as it gives pain
  I hate to love       
       and be a loser ever again
  I hate to love       
        as I treat lovers insane
 I hate to love       
       as it is brittle as a cane

  I hate to love              
        as it gives sorrow
  I hate to love       
        it’s not like money that u can borrow

 I hate to love       
        as it ends unhappily
When a partner goes away
       and the other waits sadly

I hate to love       
      as it needs a pair
it’s like  a game
      in which everything is fair

I hate to love       
      when love is one-sided
If one flirts
     the other lives parted

I hate to love       
      when someone plays a game
and the other unknowingly
              comes under his tame

I hate to love       
      when it is false
in this case it has no effect
      and no cause

I hate ,I hate ,I hate
       I hate everything about love
b’coz hatred is the
                     extremity of love
This experience is
        different in it’s feel
It’s gained only
        after a strong zeal

If you Love to Hate
      It means  you are in Anger
But if you Hate to Love
     it means you were someday a Betrayed     

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