Saturday 21 April 2012

The Woman in my Life

In my life
she is the star.
The only person with whom
I had maximum of wars.

Wars are cold
but sometimes hot.
When in midst of our mischief
she is the only one, who gets caught.

She never skips a chance
and bullies me now and then.
But she is the one who wipes my tears
when I am in pain.

The pitch of her laugh crosses
the highest pitch, when I get hurt.
Ironically she is the one rushing with
Dettol at the first.

Pillows and paper planes are the best
weapons used in the fight.
Easily available, cheap
self made and of course very light.

Her pranks are sometimes annoying
sometimes fun
The scariest  was  when she tried
putting an insect in my bun.

The vicious circle of this sibling fight
continues and never end.
But it’s me who miss her the most
when she is not at the other end.

But my utmost surprise was this
even though busy planning pranks,
In classes she was brilliant enough
to get the highest ranks

Infact now in office she is like a
Super girl
Good at sports, good with HR
and also good in solving SR. (service request)

My maxim cell phone bills are raised by her
listening about her and her manager.
And then if sometimes she is happy and calm
We take up the topic ‘Where will be the Dinner’?

Its fun to be with her
I am enjoying my old days
Missed her a lot in college and
naughty school days.

Come weekends, she is ready with the
plan in advance.
Movies, shopping, exploring cooking
missing anything in the list stands not a chance.

I fancy being her
in my imagination.
She is for me the god’s
most  wonderful creation.

The unconditional
love and care
No one else can give me
I dare.

I love her, I adore her
She is the woman of my life
She is none other than my Big sis
Who other can be SHE at last...?

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